Monday 28 May 2018

The Life Cycle Of A Sea Turtle

šŸ¢The Life Cycle Of A Sea TurtlešŸ¢

Do you know what has been around since the dinosaurs time? So if you thought sea turtles, you are right! Did you know that there are seven known sea turtle species and five of them are endangered. The sea turtle mummys lay the eggs the same place where they were born.
The three stages are the hatch lings, juvenile and the adulthood. Their life all starts as a egg.

First the mummy turtle lays the egg on the same surface she was born, she lays 10-200 eggs and approximately 20% do not seem too hatch. The size and softness is the size of a leathery ping pong ball. It takes the eggs 45-90 days to hatch. Some turtles like the leather back turtle takes 70-80 days to hatch. The success rate too hatch is approximately around 80% to hatch. When they hatch and move on to try get to the sea it faces many troubles being a baby sea turtle.

The normal sea turtles lives up to 100 years old but because of human interference, predators and current they do not survive that long but a pet sea turtle approximately lives up to 70 years old. Most sea turtles live In bays per year there are 68,000 to 90,000 that hatch. When they get older they are the size of a dinner table.

The natural lifespan is 50-100 years old. Some sea turtle species eat up to 1,200 pounds of sponge a year. Some sea turtles are carnivores (meat eater), herbivores (plant eating) or omnivore (eats both). Approximately 20% of sea turtles live without human interference and approximately 1% lives with human interference. Human interference is when humans put pollution into their environment such as oil, rubbish and toxic waste.

Sea turtles are a miracle they have the poor egg stage and when there born they turn into a dinner plate size and then they evolve into the adult sea turtle and turn into a whopping dinner table sea turtles need to stay alive so if you want them to stay alive don't pollute.

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